

Submerged Land License Agreement Pa

A Submerged Land License Agreement (SLLA) is a legal document that grants permission to a person or entity to use and access submerged lands owned by the State of Pennsylvania. These submerged lands are typically located underneath navigable waters, such as rivers, streams, and lakes.

In Pennsylvania, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issues SLLAs to individuals or entities interested in using submerged lands for various purposes, including marina development, boat launching, wave energy development, and sand or gravel mining.

To obtain an SLLA, interested parties must submit an application to the DEP, along with a detailed plan of the proposed use of the submerged lands. The DEP will review the application and plan and determine if the proposed use is consistent with the state`s laws and regulations.

If the DEP approves the SLLA application, the applicant will be granted a license to use the submerged lands for a specified period of time, usually up to 20 years. The license will outline the terms and conditions of the agreement, including any fees or rental payments that must be made to the state.

It`s important to note that an SLLA does not grant ownership of the submerged lands. The state retains ownership of the lands, and the license holder is only granted permission to use them for the specific purpose outlined in the agreement.

Non-compliance with the terms of an SLLA can result in the revocation of the license, as well as potential fines and legal action.

If you`re interested in obtaining an SLLA in Pennsylvania, it`s important to work with an experienced attorney or consultant who can guide you through the application process and ensure that your proposed use of the submerged lands complies with state regulations.

Overall, an SLLA is an important tool for individuals and entities looking to use and access submerged lands in Pennsylvania. By obtaining a license and complying with the terms of the agreement, you can ensure that your use of the lands is legal and sustainable, while also preserving the state`s natural resources for future generations.